How to use Facebook marketing?
Facebook marketing is a wonderful marketing machine because they have so much information about all of us, all two billion users, they know everything.
So you need to use Facebook marketing,
- I don’t say that you have to do it yourself because you can hire somebody to do it if you think it’s too complicated.
- Make sure that the one that you hire, they have good results and the customers with good results.
But in Facebook they know not just our name and our gender and our age and our city and our country, they know our political opinion, our religion, they know if we are married, single, have kids, are divorced, they know how much we look at ads, what credit card we use, how much we spend on ads and credit card, they know everything. What pages we like, what newspapers we read, they know so much.
So if you know your audience we can pinpoint them and send your message in front of them. It’s just amazing.
PS: If you want to increase your sales and profit – apply HERE: