How do I establish myself as an expert?

You are already an expert within your niche, that’s why you chose it, that’s why you have the passion for it, that’s why you know so much about it and want to share it with the world.

But to be an expert, there are many experts, but you have to establish yourself as an authority. And that’s the difference

We have a brand building program, but some of the things that we teach is that for instance you can write a book, because if you are an author then you are more, an authority, it’s almost in the word author, then you’re more of an authority than the other experts in your area.

So if you imagine that you are going somewhere and you go to an exhibition and you want to buy some solar panels, and you have three vendors standing there and they are selling more or less the same and they are giving you almost the same brochure.

But if you imagine one of them, he actually talks to you and says, “Okay but I’ve written this book here, and the book is about the 10 most common questions that any house owner should ask themselves about solar energy or renewable energy.

” What do you think will happen when I go home and I have this bag of brochures and stuff like that?

When I come home what happens to the brochure?

They go in the dump, the waste, but the book, you don’t throw out a book like that, I keep the book.

And maybe when I’m gonna continue my research for these solar panels I will take that book again and I will look into it and of course I will call that guy who gave me this book because he must know something, he actually wrote a book.

So that’s a very brilliant way to build authority, it’s a good way to start. I have a small program called How To Write A Book In Seven Days. And that’s actually where I teach you how to make a book very simple, but it’s a good way to establish yourself as an authority.

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