At one point, the symbol # replaced the word “number” or indicated a note one-half step higher in music. However, in social media, users have adopted this sign as a way of linking tweets, posts, and pictures together. If your business plans to enter the world of...
We all want more customers. It doesn’t matter who you are — baker, butcher, or anonymous computer hacker. Getting more consumers is an all-consuming part of everything that you do. And that’s pretty logical. Without customers you find yourself out of work...
Social Autobots has now gone live. Now it’s time to learn to: Start driving tidal waves of extremely targeted people to your sites with 1 click. Create huge viral social accounts with fans coming in on autopilot Build huge lists of anyone you want (say people who earn...
The whole point of creating a Facebook Page for your business is to build a fan base of people interested in your product or service, right? Lise Gottlieb believes Facebook Pages are a great tool for interacting with your fans on a regular basis and for them to...