Hey there, welcome to my blog! Today, I want to discuss an important topic that many of us small business owners tend to overlook—website security. I know it may not be the most exciting subject, especially when we’re focused on growing our businesses and...
Ever wanted to manage your own Fantastic 4? Or have an office full of Marvel and DC superheroes who could manage every part of your online business? Well, now you can. In this article, I’m going to show you how to build your own team of superheroes. FIND YOU WEAK LINK...
At one point, the symbol # replaced the word “number” or indicated a note one-half step higher in music. However, in social media, users have adopted this sign as a way of linking tweets, posts, and pictures together. If your business plans to enter the world of...
SEO Goes Natural & Social with High Quality Content How to Comply with Google Panda and Penguin Updates Doing effective SEO has evolved into a more “natural” and “social” process. Algorithm updates, particularly Google’s Penguin and Panda, are...
FINALLY… It has actually happened – FB Automation at the highest level.. Publish content from Itunes, New York Times, Amazon, YouTube at the click of a button ==> Click HERE …but that’s only the beginning. FB Gorilla can now publish...